Monday, April 25, 2011

What to get, a Xbox360, a PlayStation 3, a Wii, or a Gaming PC?

 I'm sure many of you don't know what you should get for a gaming system but really its all about what you want to do on them. A gaming system is more for people who are gamers and are on a short budget with money. The Xbox360 is cheap, you could say, but if you want to play online, well you'll have to pay $50-60 a year for online game-play. But, you can use the Xbox360 as a DVD player and watch movies. The PlayStation 3 is a little more expensive but worth it in some views. You can search the web, Online game-play is FREE and you can play Blu-Ray movies or a normal DVD. The Nintendo Wii is also a great choice because of  how cheap it is but it may not be for Hardcore-gamers, the online game-play is not so great and there is not a lot of shooter games. Although it may not be for the hardcore-gamers, it is a great family system, you can search the web, download tons of classic Nintendo games, and you get a great workout! Playing a video-game and getting in shape, who would have ever thought? Now we have the Gaming PC. This is where the real Hardcore-gamers game. The PC has tons of games that are cheap that you would have to pay $60.00 for on gaming systems. Online game-play is free and you can also watch movies, depending on what software you have. But the gaming PC is very expensive do to the fact that every month something new is coming out and updating your software because some games might require to play with higher RAM, Graphics and more.-John Griffiths, GamerInfo: Games and Systems

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